Laser Cutters

Laser cutters: precision and efficiency

Laser cutting is an advanced technology that uses a high-powered laser beam to cut and engrave various materials. Laser cutters are distinguished by their ability to produce clean, repeatable cuts, often down to microscopic level, which considerably improves the quality of finished products.

What makes up a laser cutter?

A laser cutter is made up of several key components that work together to deliver precise, efficient cutting. Here are the main components:

Laser emitter

This is the laser light source. For CO2, diode and fiber lasers, the emitter produces the laser beam required for cutting. The type of emitter varies according to the technology used.

Optical path

The optical path is the effective distance traveled by light in a medium, taking into account the medium’s refractive index. It is essential in optics to understand how light travels through lenses and mirrors, enabling us to predict how it is focused or reflected.

In a laser cutter, these optical elements focus and direct the laser beam onto the material to be cut. The quality of the lenses and mirrors has a direct impact on cutting precision.

The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) controller

This system controls the movement of the laser cutting head according to a predefined program, often written in G-Code, a programming language for robotics. This code translates design instructions into precise machine actions, such as moving a cutting tool along a defined trajectory. Each instruction corresponds to a specific command, such as linear motion, circular motion or temporary stop. It enables complex shapes to be cut with precision.

The work platform

This is the surface on which the material to be cut is placed. It is designed to support the material while resisting the passage of the laser beam. It is often a honeycomb platform, or made of very thin metal slats.

Operating principle

The operation of a laser cutter is based on a number of key stages that enable precise, efficient cutting.

First, the emitter produces a laser beam which is directed through the optical path to focus on the material. Focusing the beam on a very small area increases the intensity of the energy. As a result, the intense heat of the beam sublimates or melts the material along the desired trajectory.

During this process, a gas is blown through the cutting zone to remove debris and cool the area, ensuring a clean cut.

Finally, the CNC controller guides the cutting head according to the programmed design. It controls not only the movement of the cutting head, but also the power of the laser beam and the cutting speed, which is crucial to achieving high-quality results.

What are the most common technologies used?

CO2 laser cutters

CO2 laser cutters use electrically stimulated carbon dioxide to generate a laser beam. This type of laser is particularly effective for cutting non-metallic materials such as wood, plastic or leather, and engraving certain light metals or glass.

Advantages and limitations

Their versatility is one of their major assets, as they are capable of cutting a wide range of materials, from wood and plastic to glass and leather. This ability to work with different materials makes them a preferred choice for those looking for a flexible cutting solution.

What’s more, the cutting quality of CO2 lasers is outstanding, producing smooth, precise edges that enhance the appearance and functionality of finished products.

However, CO2 laser cutters also have certain limitations. They are generally unable to cut metals, which may restrict their use in certain industrial applications.

In addition, these machines require regular maintenance of optical components to maintain optimum performance.

Main concrete applications

  • Woodworking: Used for cutting and engraving furniture, decorations and handicrafts.
  • Gift manufacturing: Engraving of personalized gifts in wood, acrylic and other materials.
  • Advertising and signage: Creation of advertising and signage panels in acrylic and plastic.
  • Textile industry: Cutting of fabrics for fashion and accessories.

Diode laser cutters

Advantages and limitations

Diode laser cutters offer a number of advantages that make them a popular choice, particularly for small budgets. Their affordable cost makes them ideal for small businesses and hobbyists wishing to explore laser cutting and engraving without investing in expensive equipment.

In terms of versatility, these machines are well suited to creative projects and DIY applications, enabling users to work with a variety of materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, some plastics, and leather.

It’s important to note that diode lasers are often simpler to use and maintain, making them accessible even to those with no prior experience of laser technology.

However, their limited power makes them less suitable for cutting thick or hard materials, which may restrict their use in certain applications requiring more robust cutting. De facto, they are generally less effective for large-scale industrial production, where more powerful and faster machines are needed to meet volume and speed requirements. What’s more, the laser beam they produce is not circular, but square, which limits the generation of homogeneous cuts on curved shapes.

Main practical applications

  • Crafts and DIY: Used by hobbyists for personal engraving and cutting projects on wood, leather and plastic.
  • Education: Educational tools in schools and fablabs to teach laser technology and the principles of digital fabrication.
  • Rapid prototyping: Creation of prototypes in lightweight materials for product development.

Fiber-optic laser cutters

Fiber-optic laser cutters use optical fibers to route and amplify the laser beam. The laser is generally of variable frequency, but remains in the UV range, unlike CO2 and diode machines, making them particularly suitable for engraving and cutting metals such as steel, aluminum and copper.

Advantages and limitations

One of the main advantages of this technology is its energy efficiency, as it generally consumes less energy than CO2 lasers, which can result in significant savings over the long term.

What’s more, fiber lasers are renowned for their speed and precision, offering fast, accurate cutting that’s ideal for industrial production environments where speed and accuracy are essential.

Component durability is another notable advantage, as they are designed to be robust and low-maintenance, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Nevertheless, fiber-optic laser cutters also have their limitations. The initial purchase cost can be higher than that of other laser technologies, which can be an obstacle for some companies, particularly those on a limited budget.

And, while these lasers are excellent for cutting metals, they are generally less suited to non-metallic materials, which can limit their use in certain applications where material versatility is required.

Main concrete applications

  • Automotive industry: Cutting of metal parts for vehicle manufacturing.
  • Machine manufacturing: Production of complex metal components for various industrial machines.
  • Jewelry: Precise cutting of precious metals for the creation of jewelry.

Equipment used at 3D ETPLUS

  • WeCreat Vision 20W: a diode laser cutter with maximum part dimensions of 420 x 290 mm
  • Thunder Laser Bolt: a CO2 laser cutter with maximum part dimensions of 500 x 300 mm
  • Bodor BCL-1006XU: a CO2 laser cutter with maximum part dimensions of 1000 x 600 mm

3D ETPLUS offers laser cutting and engraving services tailored to your specific needs.
Whether you’re a company looking for mass production, or an individual looking for a one-off project, I’m here to help. To discuss your laser cutting projects and find out how we can help, please contact me. I’ll be delighted to provide you with solutions tailored to your needs.